Labour hire suspended and cancelled licenses

The Labour Hire Licensing Compliance Unit (LHLCU) has suspended 123 licences for failure to lodge a six-monthly report required by the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017.

Licensees are reminded to submit their report prior to the due date. Where a licensee fails to report by their due date, LHLCU works with the licensee to provide education and assistance. Suspension occurs when a licensee does not respond to the reminders, education and assistance by lodging their report.

Most licensees do fix the problem by lodging the report, with 67 of the 123 licensees remaining currently suspended. Suspensions remain in place for 90 days before LHLCU consider whether cancellation of the licence is appropriate. To date, three licences have been cancelled for failure to report.

A list of current suspended and cancelled licenses can be found online.

Further information

If you need assistance with lodging your labour hire report, or if you have an enquiry about a labour hire licensee please contact LHLCU on 1300 576 088 or by email on